
Doing the 3 Step- Nashville, Austria and Italia

Three weeks of traveling solo, enjoying each phase and event as it happened.  Living in the NOW is the way to go! I so love traveling! This trip started with a 3-day excursion to Nashville, Tennessee to celebrate my grandson’s 4 th birthday.  Then jetting off to Vienna for the annual Society of Flight Test Engineers European symposium.   Upon arrival, I was asked to lead the presentation judging, which is an excellent way to stay focused and expand my knowledge.  The learning never stops!   talk was, “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci in Flight Test ” It was based on the book of the same name.  It appeared to be well received and appreciated, which was somewhat of a relief, having spent the better part of 3 months writing it.  And then three months of labor distilled down to a 22-minute talk.  I hope I can present it again.  More of my thoughts about this amazing SFTE symposium are here . Engaging with new and old colleagues and learning is so enjoyable and keeps my mind engaged.

Radiation and the Art of Living

Last year I thought I had dodged a bullet. Post-cancer surgery lab tests in June 2023 revealed that a cancer remnant remained even though the pathology was clean. Lab tests and scans could not pinpoint whether it was localized in my surgery area or already spread.  After 6 months of watching the tests stayed the same, not growing, but not going away either.  Consulting multiple oncologists, all agreed it would eventually grow bigger if nothing was done, but when and how much no one could say...But if it spread outside the pelvic region of the surgery it was incurable. The most prominent oncologist advised to hit it with everything, i.e.,  castrate (aka hormone therapy) and radiate to have the best chance of it not returning.  The adverse side of this would be to lose muscle, energy, and essentially manhood with a small chance of very adverse permanent side effects.  Others suggested a more nuanced approach of just radiation to start.  Looking at all the options I consulted the naturopa

"AI is Coming to Town" A Perspective from London... Ontario

  Test Pilots Extraordinaire (L-R) Loshe, Lutz, Smith, Tougas, Flynn I was invited to speak at the International Test Pilot School Seminar in London, Ontario, Canada.  I had some trepidation that this was going to be a bitterly cold experience.  But it was not in all senses of the word.  as the weather was downright balmy for December and the people were warm and friendly.  The title of my talk was "The Future Flight Test Professional" What a GREAT experience.  The attendees were a mix of old distinguished colleagues whom I have known for years and newly graduating test pilots and flight test engineers from all over the world.  To be a part of this illustrious cadre, is in some ways proof, that if one stays in the game long enough, you too can gain a place at the proverbial table.  But I wanted to do more than just catch up.  I tried to make it a call to arms to ramp up SFTE's professional evolution to meet the growing technological changes that are moving at high speed

Sunrise Sunset - Marriage in Lynchburg, Virginia

  Lynchburg, Virginia.  The place of marriage for my oldest son.  The first time all four of my children have gathered together in years. I was expecting Lynchburg to be a backwater, but was pleasantly surprised with what I experienced. The little turn-of-the-century downtown with classic front porches set in the hills above the James River exuded historic Americana.   But Lynchburg also has two of the most authentic Indian restaurants I've experienced outside India itself and a great jazzy pub.  Not bad for a dry county. You can ride the railroad to Lynchburg from Washington D.C. and I recommend you do especially in the fall.  For me a week of preparation with my son including yoga on the river and getting acquainted with the new family made this a very special time. As the ceremony progressed the scene from "Fiddler on the Roof" where they sang " Sunrise Sunset " came to mind. Take a listen.