Montagne Invernale e Amice Italiano (Winter Mountains and Friends)

Northern Italy in the winter is such a lovely paradise to explore and share nature both solo and with friends In a five day stretch I had some profound experiences. I first hiked cross-country through the snow up to a log cabin ( baita ) near Alagna, at the base of Monte Rosa. The next day I skied down spectacular slopes near the Swiss border, at a resort called San Dominico. San Dominico is a smaller resort, that is reached by riding a chair lift for 20 minutes way up to a bowl surrounded by spectacular mountains. It is just 75 minutes commute north of Arona. It was a Friday, which meant no crowds-just enough folk to practice my Italian riding up the chairlift and with enough solo time to meditate on the wisdom narrative from, Steven Cave's "Immortality". The Wisdom Narrative is where Cave advocates, "balancing a positive love of life with managing the fear of our life's end. How to do that? By cultivating virtue which ...