The 2 Headed Horseman - COVID & SOCIAL JUSTICE - A Tale of 2 Continents

Jetting back in June after 3 weeks working in Europe to a U.S. that seems “on fire” across two juxtaposed fronts. The contrast between the two continents is stark. COVID-19 infections in Lombardi region , the Italian infection epicenter when I left in February are minuscule now. Italians, normally an independent lot rallied together, not in small part because of extensive lock-down enforced by police checkpoints that issued fines for leaving one’s home without a permission slip. We were sequestered in a compound near Cameri, Italy to ensure "our safety". Gave me an opportunity to create a song I titled Cameri Prison Blues (inspired by Johnny Cash). You can listen here And safe we stayed validated by weekly testing and a quarantine upon returning to Texas. In contrast to my European experience, Texas Covid cases are skyrocketing. American 's independent streak combined with arrogance and ig...