Autumn in Nagoya, Japan

Two months in Nagoya, Japan. Long enough to transition from warm monsoon days to crisp autumn days. Its a wonderful season to visit Nagoya a bustling growing metroplex but still intimate enough to be able to run into friends and play guitar at a club and bike around the city. After a 9 month COVID induced hiatus we are finally back-albeit with special invitation from the Japanese government that restricts our movement and places we can frequent (no bar hopping). Masks have always been the norm here, so nothing looks particularly unique in that regard. All around the city construction is happening with new skyscrapers throughout. It's great to experience the unique foods of Nagoya again (French, Thai, Indian, Japanese, and best ribs and apple crisp in the world (Weekend BBQ). My favorite? Thai softshell crab peppered and covered in garlic at Pei Rei (see first pic in link above). Restaurants have reopened but the clientele is still sparse....