
Showing posts from February, 2021

Lessons from a 2nd Two Week Tokyo Quarantine

  Thirteenth day of a 14 days solitary in a Tokyo hotel room to comply with Japan quarantine protocol.  My second 2 week quarantine in the last 4 months.  For a number of reasons this one feels harder.  Here is a time-lapse scene from my hotel window over a 24 hour period. Click twice on;  A day in Quarantine   Try to break up day up with emails, telecons, skype conversations, reading, finishing my AI Machine Learning course, guitar, exercise videos, corresponding, movie watching, news surfing.  Many of the same activities I would do when home, yet life's realism fading.  No need to dress, groom or even prepare meals (food shows up in a bag on the door).  That combined with seeing the same world view out the big glass window everyday as though I am watching a TV makes it surreal and creates a flat affect.  Feels like ground hog's day.  What is real and what is just in my mind?     A malaise and lethargy must be resisted.  What it highlights to me is that many of our daily activ