4th of July in Annapolis - A Window into our Past

4th of July in Annapolis. For many Americans, Annapolis is only known as the home of the United States Naval Academy. US Naval Academy St John's College But its historic significance is much broader and more mixed. Toward the end of the Revolutionary War, the City also served as capital to the newly forming American nation when the Continental Congress met in Annapolis from November 26, 1783 to August 19, 1784 . Here too, on January 14, 1784, the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, was ratified by Congress. It is home to St. John's, one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the United States which was the successor institution of King William's School, a preparatory school founded in 1696; the current institution received a collegiate charter in 1784. Annapolis is wh ere French troops under Lafayette embarked to help our revolution succeed. It is also where slave ships off-loaded their human cargo, i...