Dominican Republic - Tropical Rendezvous with a Special Family

Taking an invitation from an old Italian friend, I traveled down to explore Puerto Plato in the Dominican Republic. Puerto Plata sits on the north side of the island. It is a haven for tourists from the U.S. and other countries. My friend, who lives in Arona, Italy but is from the DR had built a beautiful winter vacation home near her family. Upon arriving she immediately drove me to her mama's house to experience my first taste of authentic Dominican Republic cuisine made in her native country. Senora Martina's house is airy with marble floors and filled with open spaces (no windows) that look out into tropical scenery that reflects that one can enjoy the warm climate. Senora Martina's casa Over the next 5 days, my intermittent fasting and deference to moderation and meat went "out the window." But it was worth it! Dinner the first night, two huge helpings of, lentil curry (sancocho con arroz) with copious peppers,...