Texas in the Era of Social Distancing

Returned from Italy at the end of Feb to a 14 day quarantine. Since then have been telecommuting from my casa. My wonderful world of international business travel and global friends has been shut down for who knows how long? - maybe forever? Experiencing the birth of my first 2 grandchildren virtually. Seeing the comfortable nest egg decline. Busy replaced with "slack" time. Impromptu interactions at recreational and spiritual venues stopped. At first I'm feeling a little blasé, even mourning. I knew that I must find/maintain a new world order and "live in the now" ala Eckhart Tolle . Fortunately the revelations, epihanies and enlightenment have already started rolling in. First, I love working from my home overlooking bucolic vistas. Birds chirping, river flowing and sometimes music blaring. The opportunity to bike, along the river or play my guitar on a lunch break. Social interaction replaced by outdoor yoga and readings resulting in new insights, p...