Texas in the Era of Social Distancing
Returned from Italy at the end of Feb to a 14 day quarantine. Since then have been telecommuting from my casa. My wonderful world of international business travel and global friends has been shut down for who knows how long? - maybe forever? Experiencing the birth of my first 2 grandchildren virtually. Seeing the comfortable nest egg decline. Busy replaced with "slack" time. Impromptu interactions at recreational and spiritual venues stopped. At first I'm feeling a little blasé, even mourning.
I knew that I must find/maintain a new world order and "live in the now" ala Eckhart Tolle. Fortunately the revelations, epihanies and enlightenment have already started rolling in.
First, I love working from my home overlooking bucolic vistas. Birds chirping, river flowing and sometimes music blaring. The opportunity to bike, along the river or play my guitar on a lunch break.
Social interaction replaced by outdoor yoga and readings resulting in new insights, perspectives and epiphanies - including amazing new possibilities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality. There recently have been monumental breakthrus that will change our existence significantly in our lifetimes. Read this Humankind is at a nexus. AI is the best road to social salvation and whether we like it or not, will drive human evolution. America must give it more priority. Otherwise we will be eaten by the Asian wolf or the next pandemic. And we all need to understand beyond the hyperbole. I'm reading a fantastic book titled, "How Smart Machines Think ". Should be required reading to graduate from high school. I'm a student again enrolled in an online Stanford Machine Learning course. 3 weeks in, I have discovered this is a fantastic way to learn with abundant resources to get answers that were so elusive back in the day one needed office hours, good notes and study halls. AR/VR learning may be the key to education and energizing an apathetic student population. Maybe I can help make that happen?
My search for new tasking has opened a exciting new possibilities to consult, work and grow inside and outside my company. New colleagues are revealing new insights and opportunities. Bonds with true old friends are being renewed and strengthened. New friends are expanding my horizons intellectually and spiritually. I see possibilities beyond the wonderful world I have been living these last 5 years.
And as for the financials.... Yes there has been a little blood and fear in the streets. What an opportunity! I'm buying tech and blue chip methodically. It's going to pay off with new winners...Don't understand the new paradigm or your place? then start learning for the sake of our grandchildren
I knew that I must find/maintain a new world order and "live in the now" ala Eckhart Tolle. Fortunately the revelations, epihanies and enlightenment have already started rolling in.
First, I love working from my home overlooking bucolic vistas. Birds chirping, river flowing and sometimes music blaring. The opportunity to bike, along the river or play my guitar on a lunch break.
Social interaction replaced by outdoor yoga and readings resulting in new insights, perspectives and epiphanies - including amazing new possibilities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality. There recently have been monumental breakthrus that will change our existence significantly in our lifetimes. Read this Humankind is at a nexus. AI is the best road to social salvation and whether we like it or not, will drive human evolution. America must give it more priority. Otherwise we will be eaten by the Asian wolf or the next pandemic. And we all need to understand beyond the hyperbole. I'm reading a fantastic book titled, "How Smart Machines Think ". Should be required reading to graduate from high school. I'm a student again enrolled in an online Stanford Machine Learning course. 3 weeks in, I have discovered this is a fantastic way to learn with abundant resources to get answers that were so elusive back in the day one needed office hours, good notes and study halls. AR/VR learning may be the key to education and energizing an apathetic student population. Maybe I can help make that happen?
My search for new tasking has opened a exciting new possibilities to consult, work and grow inside and outside my company. New colleagues are revealing new insights and opportunities. Bonds with true old friends are being renewed and strengthened. New friends are expanding my horizons intellectually and spiritually. I see possibilities beyond the wonderful world I have been living these last 5 years.
And as for the financials.... Yes there has been a little blood and fear in the streets. What an opportunity! I'm buying tech and blue chip methodically. It's going to pay off with new winners...Don't understand the new paradigm or your place? then start learning for the sake of our grandchildren
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