Cozumel - A nearby tropical paraíso!

I've been hankering to scuba dive since I first became certified in Okinawa 4 years ago.   Friends offered that I didn't need to travel all the way to Asia as Cozumel, a world class diving reef, was just a short flight away.   So I threw an "internet dart" to pick a Cozumel resort and struck gold with the Blue Angel resort.  It's a 24 room hotel overlooking the ocean with a first class dive dive shop, accommodating staff, and a thatched outdoor restaurant all just a few steps from my room.  Blue Angel's unhurried environment allowed me to do my yoga, meditate and play guitar on the lawn overlooking the ocean (just 20 feet from my room) before heading out on a boat to dive. In the afternoons and evenings the same lawn was the place to socialize, read, enjoy talented local bands playing American hits.  Later maybe night scuba or just fall asleep under the stars listening to waves.  

local band view from my room

view of lawn from restaurant
Yoga on lawn in front of my room

view from my room

Does it get any better than this?  Yes it does ! Why? 

For one thing, the chill vibe and the friendliness of everyone including the resort staff. The locals understand how to relax and make others feel special such as Tobacco, the Cuban writer and musician and including many expats who decided to not leave such as Amy from Richardson and Eva the Blue Angel owner.  And the diverse turista's like me quickly assimilate the vibe.  Brook, the cannabas graphics art director who spoke Italian. Jane the outdoor lover and physical therapist who was game for evening snorkeling, Billie who took me night diving right off shore and Haleigh who loved to dance. 

And last but not least the diving.  Dive master Julio took me under his wing and after 2 dives had me up to speed.  America's "Horse with No Name" lyrics, "...the ocean is a desert with its life underground and the perfect of skies above." was apropos.  On different dives the terrain and look varied.  The coral and fish were abundant, colorful and big!  Giant sea tortoises, moray eels, stingray, nurse sharks, giant lobster, and barracuda!   
Julio the Argentinian Dive Master

I've found my new second home given it's proximity to US.  Avett Brothers song, "Untitled #4" sums it up quite well; especially the lyrics, "I'm happy being me the most, ,when I let what makes me happy go..."  No attachments baby!!  Here's my rendition....


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